Here's a Mini-Bio of Hana Aoki (pronounced Ha-nah Ah-oh-ki).  She's the creator of the website and is just a tad off. She is the idealist of most of the stories, and she loves to write short stories (and long stories too) and not poems. unless it's for a picture. it's called a picture-poem, and i can only make them when i'm emo. sad sad.

 Author of Death is my Best Freind (I am FINALLY writing it (!!!) and doing a damn good job if i may say so myself...)

Her favorite quote is: "In a mad world, only the mad are sane" Akira Kurosawa

 Contact me at   (I will be thanking praise, taking requests for things when I'm out of ideas, and completely ignoring everything else.)

Uberlist of the week or howeverlong it takes to update it: Chevelle. Yeah. and some Tool.  Have fun listenifying.

Sorry about the no internet thing, guys.

What else do you people want? Ramen? No. No ramen for you.

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