And here is some stuff about the people on the site. and everyone on the site is American. Just so you all know.

Hana Aoki:

Occupation: I am a magic Faerie from he planet of Comic Book Cows. (That means I'm a student.)

Desired occupation: Authour. Don't correct me, I know how I spelled it, and every spell checker that I've ever come up against is wrong.

Birthday: July 11.

Theme song: Funny farm by Dr. Demento

Hobbies: Writing, Drawing, Reading, Listening to music, Plotting/brainstorming, oh and minor gaming. I'm not a total game nerd, but I watch Zero Puntuation. If you don't, then your not a good person.



Occupation: Student/ selling art for extra cash (Maybe not, but she should)

Desired Occupation: Manga artist/ Queen of the world

Birthday: Febuary 28. I just missed leap year day (:

Theme Song: anything by Waking The Cadaver. Love that band.

Hobbies: Drawing, Music Listening, Hanging out with friends.


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